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Re: [OM] How does it look?

Subject: Re: [OM] How does it look?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 2024 21:20:41 -0800
On 2/1/2024 8:50 AM, Wayne Shumaker wrote:
At 1/31/2024 10:18 PM, Moose wrote:

2 -------------------
My desire is to make, on FF or smaller gear, photos that are like many old LF 
photos. The particular example I always have in mind is Karsh's famous portrait 
of Winston Churchill. I had plenty of uncrowded time with a full size print at 
Boston's MFA. At normal viewing distance, it had what I might call a gentle 
overall look. Close-up, there was a lot of fine detail, but without sharp 
edges. I remember particularly the folds of skin on his knuckles.
Are you referring to this image?
One can zoom in with the mouse scroll wheel.
I noticed that perhaps the hand on the chair is slightly out of the plane of 
But I think I can see what you mean in the face.

Yup. MFA has a big collection of Karsh prints, over 160.

The one you link to is likely too contrasty, at least in the lower tones. I recall seeing considerable details in the shadows.
Even as large as it gets, it's not near the original, visually, and I think in 
Search for this and click on "Images". You will see brightness and contrast all 
over the place.

I guess I'm not quite clear on what you did?
I vote for TTArtisan Origiinal bokeh.
Yes, that's very nice. OTOH, the middle top one, regular zoom with filter, is 
rather appealing to me too. The color/contrast can be modified to be more like 
the TTArtisan, if desired. And I can do it with nothing more than a filter!

Swamp Slogging Moose
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I'm not hindered by the FF limit as I have 
yet to find a reason to go back to u43. However, I have one lens that is quite 
diminutive in LTM (m39), the Topcor-S 1:2 f=5cm. It is quite sharp stopped down 
and might be great for travel. I don't have a lot of samples but here are two:

https://photos.app.goo.gl/8XdBSSTB8qZzuk8W6  wide open

https://photos.app.goo.gl/wS99F16N9hVuwkcu5  I think F6.3, or maybe not?, no 
sharpening done

Oh yes, I recall those. I like the left side of the dragon one, but bokeh gets too edgy for the look of the primary subject on the right.

Getting close to a LF look I have not thought about. Interesting question. Here 
is one person's attempt to recreate LF look:
Clearly not a portable solution :-)

A rather fun solution. Years ago, a few folks were using Canon LD scanners on 
LF cameras.

Still Pounding the Pixels Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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