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[OM] TTARTISAN 100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh

Subject: [OM] TTARTISAN 100mm f/2.8 Bubble Bokeh
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2023 15:55:54 -0800
Well, it certainly does Bubble! 

Arrived today. Making attractive overall images with bubbles may take practice, but 
— Bubbles!

The design is different. Most lenses align the aperture index line @ max aperture with the focus arrow. Thus, each is on top when mounted.

For whatever reason, (perhaps æsthetic choice?) this lens lines up the focus arrow with about f5.6.  Thus, either aperture index OR focus arrow can be on top, but not both. You can see the same thing in the Phillip Reeve review.

I think I would prefer to have focus arrow on top, but it's the other way, which looks wrong. Seems the designers failed to mount their prototype on an old camera from the M42 era. This one puts the focus arrow about 45° off, just the same as on an old Praktiflex. In this case, at least, the problem is not with the helicoid adapter, but with the lens, itself.

Doesn't bother me much, though. I don't pay attention to focal distance unless testing CF. And the lens markings don't mean anything when using the helicoid adapter for any extension anyway. Aperture index is fine. With this kind of lens, it's mostly wide open and clear click stops make "click counting work fine.

Bubbling Over Moose

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