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Re: [OM] Brian Swale

Subject: Re: [OM] Brian Swale
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2023 10:42:02 -0700
On 7/25/2023 4:03 AM, Wayne Harridge wrote:
I received the following Facebook post from Brian Swale's daughter:

" We are sad to let you all know that Dad (Brian Swale) passed away on
Saturday night in Ripponburn Hospital.  Brian passed peacefully after a
sudden illness.  We will keep you all updated on events happening this week.
Thank you."

Brian was a long time member of this list and great supporter of Olympus
cameras -


I don't think he ever had a camera that wasn't Olympus!

Not quite so . . . Remember the hand made 120 film 6x17 cm camera? A beautiful 

"BTW I'm finding it is trickier than anticipated to find subjects suitable for 6x17 negatives; but I'll get there. Fun stuff; a luxurious 4 shots per roll of 120 film ( 220 film not usable, since the backing paper is essential); frame boundaries being determined by looking for numbers on the backing paper rolling past through an open hole (glass-less in this case) as in the days of yore (Box Brownie)." (2009)

"And to respond to Wayne's question, Yes I still have the Obsession 6x17 and have been seriously thinking about putting film through it again." (2016)

In photos posted here, Brian generally looked anywhere from uncomfortable to 
With this nice exception. 

I don't approve of this trend as I get older of friends dying off!

Missing Them Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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