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Re: [OM] Brian Swale

Subject: Re: [OM] Brian Swale
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2023 13:46:53 -0700
On 7/26/2023 4:29 AM, Wayne Harridge wrote:
Here's a short video from "Razzledog":


I thought Brian's Obsession camera was a beautiful tech object, and added it to my long running envy/desire attached to various exotic panorama cameras.

Since then, though, things have changed rather dramatically. I have a Voightländer 10/5.6 "Hyper Wide Angle" lens for FF and a 7-14 mm lens for µ4/3. And for some time, I had a 17-35 mm lens for FF. All of these turn out to be wider, to vastly wider, than any of the old film pano cameras. <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/tech/Lenses/Heliar%2010-56/HWAoV.htm>

Vista Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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