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Re: [OM] OT: Oscillo Raptor

Subject: Re: [OM] OT: Oscillo Raptor
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 2023 21:53:13 -0800
On 2/24/2023 1:33 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
Softly stating WS:
<<Still interested in the cult Tamron 70-150 (51A) soft focus. The Lensbaby sharp
<<center and soft edges effect is not of interest either.

Looks like a very interesting lens.  Uses SA at least in part and very 
adjustable.  AltdotMoose has a SF Minolta which is somewhat similar.

He also has a Canon SoftFocus. Both 85/2.8. With Minolta you turn a ring to adjust SA, while Canon is push-pull. Results essentially the same.

Then again, my ancient SIMA Soft Focus, a single, uncoated, double convex lens with sliding tube focus and cardboard waterhouse stops, does some wonderful imaging.

The Tammy commands a high price too it seems.


It would be a fun lens to experiment with but would take practice and skill to 
use it well based on the samples I viewed. Weird bokeh lenses, IMO may be 
easier to get decent shots but are one trick ponies.

Sorta. The shots we see on-line are all maximum effect. A twist lens, for example, may show little twist at less than "optimal" subject/background distances.

Two Tricks Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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