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Re: [OM] Arctic Valley Road at Sunset

Subject: Re: [OM] Arctic Valley Road at Sunset
From: Jim Nichols <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 10:41:13 -0600
I like it!

On 1/25/21 1:24 AM, Ken Norton wrote:
Arctic Valley Road at Sunset. Mt. Gordon Lyon. Anchorage, Alaska. Sony
A7ii with 28-70 lens. Minimally processed. This is pretty faithful to
the scene.


Sorry, no Olympus equipment was harmed in the making of this
photograph. The reality is that I should have used Olympus lenses. The
difference between the SEL2870 and OM glass is pretty stark.

Regardless, the sunset was pretty amazing and our constant clouds for
a couple of weeks had us all pretty desperate for a colorful evening.
I think every person with a camera was out tonight and facebook is
melting down with pictures NOT of Bernie Sanders and his mittens.

For those familiar with Anchorage, Mt. Gordon Lyon has the old NIKE
missile site at the top. There is a ski slope up there too and this
picture was taken from the entrance. This mountain is between my house
and Anchorage and is actually part of the military base. This is about
20 minutes drive from the house.

The most extensive thing I did in Lightroom was select "Camera
Landscape" for the profile. Very little adjustment was made other than
a few minor tweaks to address lens issues.

AK Schnozz

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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