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Re: [OM] Happy with my cameras

Subject: Re: [OM] Happy with my cameras
From: SwissPace <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2016 12:06:41 +0100
Yes happened to my brother in his mid to late 20's - I remeber him suffering quite terribly with light and and noise sensitivity. left his cornea scarred and he needed glasses after, but since then i have not heard of any other cases is it a predominantly an American problem now with such high rates of infection or have myself family and friends just been lucky?

On 22/12/16 16:18, ChrisB wrote:
Nasty luck.  Thanks, Jim.


On 22 Dec 2016, at 15:16, Jim Nichols <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Chris, a co-worker of mine, years ago, had shingles get to his eyes, and had a 
rough go.  Be careful.

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