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Re: [OM] Advise sought on flash for E-3 and maybe M5

Subject: Re: [OM] Advise sought on flash for E-3 and maybe M5
From: bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2016 00:12:57 +1200

Please excuse the typo in the subject line ... 

Mose replied in

 I'd suggest one or more of the cheap* and excellent small LED
light panels currently available. John's technique relied on endless
experience to get the lighting angles and balance right. One advantage
of using continuous lights, rather than flash, is that you can see and
adjust the lighting as you work, rather than relying on experience you
don't have. 

Why didn't I think of that !! There are many little LED
units available here mainly for automotive use, though I haven't seen
any that are variable. 

If I use the E-3 which has a more articulated
rear screen than the M5 I can do all the checking myself, and as far as
varying the light intensity, all I need do is vary the distance of the
light from the subject. Set the camera on delayed shutter. 

Now, I've
got enough time to practice before-hand. 

Thanks Moose. 

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