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Re: [OM] Help needed to order a bicycle part from the USA

Subject: Re: [OM] Help needed to order a bicycle part from the USA
From: SwissPace <ian@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 16:18:44 +0100
Thanks Chuck

Chuck Norcutt wrote:
I sent the shop an inquiry asking if they would accept and ship an order to Switerland even though their order page doesn't allow for that. They won't be open for several hours yet.

Chuck Norcutt

On 1/27/2016 4:15 AM, SwissPace wrote:
Hi All,

I have been trying to get a new LCD display for my Electric bike which I
accidentally dropped, I ordered one in the UK but that was 4 months ago
and they don't seem to be able to get hold of one, so I was wondering if
one of the  American resident listees would be willing to order the part
for me and then ship it too me in Switzerland or I can provide a UK
address if easier, I am willing to reimburse you for your trouble and
can pay by paypal etc.. or maybe I have some camera stuff you would like
in exchange :-)

I have included the link here for it in white, but if they do not have
white, black would be OK


SKU: 3861076000

Thanks in Advance


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