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Re: [OM] File losses

Subject: Re: [OM] File losses
From: "tOM Trottier" <tom@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 16:40:52 -0400
I hope everyone is aware you cannot just turn off your computer. You must tell 
it to shut down 
via a command or click. Otherwise you will have disk problems.

NTFS is a far safer file system than FAT, FAT32, or even exFAT because it logs 
changes as it 
goes. You should use NTFS even for USB sticks if they don't have to go into 

2015 Mar 12 - Thu at 21:30      re:Re: [OM] File losses …
Chuck Norcutt <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>wrote 

>That would be getting rid of CHKDSK which is a Windows system
>file.  The most common reason for CHKDSK to run at startup is
>when it appears that Windows may have crashed.  If the system
>crashes while it is writing a file that file may well be
>corrupted.  CHKDSK tries to find and fix such errors. First,
>there may well be no errors.  Second, they may not be fixable
>if found.  But they can't simply be ignored which is what
>would happen if you removed CHKDSK.  Actually, I have no idea
>if the system would even boot if CHKDSK was not available when
>called upon.  Maybe not.  Leave it alone. 

tOM Trottier http://TomTrottier.com BBO:"0 carbon" 
613-860-6633    tOM@xxxxxxxxxxxxx       Skype:Abacurial
MD5 Fingerprint 27:B8:BA:91:70:E5:44:20:8F:29:EE:46:1E:52:F6:81
SHA1           23:3A:53:18:AB:83:B1:CA:O7:33:AF:10:11:24:27:95:22:98:4E:7E

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