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[OM] Now THIS is news!

Subject: [OM] Now THIS is news!
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2014 18:22:00 -0400 (EDT)
>>>Firmware update to the E-M1 provides electronic first curtain!!!!!!

Early reports that any shutter shock is gone.  Good move Oly!  Curious 
EFC limited to speeds under 1/320--perhaps because shutters were not 
designed for this  and added later. Wonder how fast the data is 
cleared? Suspect the ususal artifacts with  quickly moving objects and 
perhaps banding in fluorescent light using EFC.

GM-1 when using mechanical 2nd curtain seems to read out in about 1/15 
sec (some report 1/10 but that seems incorrect based on other data I've 
seen)  though  faster with complete e-shutter about 1/25 sec ----though 
some reduction in DR. Many reports of this though is not a major effect 
but occurs in some landscape shots at base ISO when pushing shadows a 


It looks like EM-5 has more DR  than GM-1 when using total e-shutter in 
EM-1 but GM-1 slighter better using mechanical 2nd curtain.

So EFC and e-shutters still have a way to go to be total solutions but 
having a choice of EFC  is  very very nice.

Shocked Mike
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