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Re: [OM] what does my eye spy...

Subject: Re: [OM] what does my eye spy...
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 10:48:16 -0600
> But, as has every other watch I've owned since reaching my majority, it
> self-destructed. They all have. They either explode, as in fall to
> pieces (literally? <g>), or stop dead, never to
> run again. I believe
> I am permeated by some other-source energy that has a problem with time
> pieces.

That is not uncommon. There are quite a few people who have something
going on with their physiology which will cause watches to quit
working. The cause or even this trait is controversial, but I've seen
it with my own eyes. I toured (1.5 years full-time music group) with
two such people. Through observation, we concluded that they weren't
doing anything unusual or different than the rest of us. It didn't
matter if it was mechanical, quartz or digital. In less than a week
the watches would be dead. This was with new or old.

Unknown the relationship to this, but both individuals had extremely
difficult childbirths. I still stay in touch with one of the two and
she still has this problem and the problem extends to cellphones,
pagers, iPads and computers.

Ken Norton
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