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Re: [OM] Shutter shock, VF lag, E-M1 vs. E-M5?

Subject: Re: [OM] Shutter shock, VF lag, E-M1 vs. E-M5?
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 08:34:14 -0500
If you don't have one of these for your E-M5 then get one ASAP.
It makes a huge difference to blocking side and rear light and is the 
first extra I bought for my E-M5.

And for E-M1 owners there is this one

But note the reviews.  Glasses wearers typically don't like them.  I 
only need reading glasses so compensate with the viewfinder's dioptric 
correction.  Also, I've not had any problem with eyecups falling off or 
needing to be removed to use the clip-on flash as 2 reviewers say. (The 
flash comment is a total mystery to me.  One does have to push the top 
edge of the eyecup down a few mm to install or remove the flash but that 
is trivial)

Chuck Norcutt
(who also has the Canon 5D equivalent and who always
  uses aftermarket teardrop eyecups on his OMs)

On 12/4/2013 7:38 PM, Moose wrote:
> I've used the M5 viewfinder in mid day sun many, many times, with my glasses 
> on, with no difficulty I can recall. If you
> have trouble, I guess I'm not the one to ask.:-)    And again, some reviewer 
> (s?) commented on a similar problem with
> the GX7, which I've not yet experienced. My only trouble with these EVFs is 
> the same as with SLRs, lower sun coming at
> my eye from the side. At least now it doesn't go into the viewfinder and mess 
> up the exposure.
> Semi Informed Moose
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