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Re: [OM] OK, my head hurts. Time to ask the group.

Subject: Re: [OM] OK, my head hurts. Time to ask the group.
From: "Walters, Martin" <Martin.Walters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 11:30:18 +0000
That's my lens challenge as well.  Primary use (occasional) would be at events 
like airshows and for wildlife.  I'd like something that goes to 200-250mm and 
is sharp at those FLs (I have the shorter FLs covered with native glass). I'd 
also like autofocus for when things are moving and MF is not really viable - 
which means native lenses.  I wouldn't want to spend the proverbial arm and a 
leg either, as my MF lenses (100, 180, 300) could work in some situations. I'd 
prefer to keep away from MF zooms (I have the big Tammy 80-200), to avoid 
constantly changing the FL setting for the IS.

The 40-150 is cheap, but most reviews suggest that it's sharpness falls off 
above 100mm or so. The similar length Panny lenses seem to suffer the same 
issue.  Beyond these, there's the 75-300 (Oly) and 100-300 (Panny), though both 
are best in good light.  Reviews suggest that these two are very similar in IQ, 
which is reasonable out beyond 200mm. The price of the new 75-300 has come down 

If it would AF quickly on my EM-5, the 4/3 50-200 would be just fine, and 
there's an excellent 1.4X to extend its reach.  The non-SWD version is not 
particularly expensive (used).  I know it's a big lens, but probably not a lot 
bigger and heavier than the Tammy 180/2.5 and OM 1.4X that I was using at the 

The new 40-150/2.8 would no doubt be nice, but it will be expensive and there's 
no TC to extend the range.


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Braun [mailto:pbraun42@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2013 10:08 PM
To: Olympus Group
Subject: [OM] OK, my head hurts. Time to ask the group.

I just found out that part of my inheritance from my father's estate has 
cleared and as soon as I get the paperwork filed this week, will be on the way. 
 Now, Dad wasn't wealthy, so it's not like I'm going shopping for Leicas...

And with our current job situation, most of it will go towards paying off 
bills.  However, I have to spend part of it on something fun, something 
useful.... like a reasonably fast zoom for the E-M5 that I can shoot concerts 
with.  I know Dad would have wanted that.

I've just spent too much time browsing lens reviews, and I'm fuzzy and my brain 

I need recommendations.  Budget - around $800 - $900.  Not talking "Big Beige" 
for $3k.  Focal length: probably around 150 - 300mm equiv. which should let me 
shoot in smaller clubs and slightly larger venues.

I'm not seeing much native MFT glass that's any faster than f4 or f5.

Any suggestions?


Paul Braun
Certified Music Junkie
Valparaiso, IN

"It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever." - David St. Hubbins

"Music washes from the soul the dust of everyday life" - Harlan Howard

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