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Re: [OM] OT: eVilBay Spoofing\

Subject: Re: [OM] OT: eVilBay Spoofing\
From: David Thatcher <davidt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 22:05:25 +0930
On Thu, May 02, 2013 at 05:28:18PM +0300, Chris Trask wrote:  
> I did give Linux a try, but it proved to be worse than Win7 as it 
> disabled almost all of the engineering and writing applications that I
> need to use.  They all work fine on Win98/SE and WinXP, so I need to
> stick with those OSs no matter what.

Hi Chris,

Linux isn't windows - and it won't run windows applications (well.. it
will, but only if you run one of the performance-sucking, time-wasting
API emulators that seem to delight most non-windows-OS users). Likely
there will be (free) native applications that will replace the windows
applications that you use to 99.9% compatibility - with a small (to
large, probably!) learning curve. :) The main benefit is that there are
no real Linux viruses out there.

If you are running WXP or W7, I'd recommend that you have MS's Security
Essentials package installed (it's free for a genuine 'doze install),
and make sure the latest OS patches are installed.

I've been a UNIX/Xorg user for probably 15 years, however, I did like XP
(very robust compared to the older versions which were ALWAYS
complaining about wanting disk checks). I think W7 is much better,
though. Turn off 'Aero Snap' and switch everything to classic view and
you are 90% back to what you are used to!


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