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Re: [OM] Extended guarantee.

Subject: Re: [OM] Extended guarantee.
From: "Bill Pearce" <billcpearce@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2013 12:36:00 -0500
I would be concerned about who is backing this warranty What happens if one 
year and 11 months from now the camera breaks a cheap plastic part and there 
are no replacement parts for that camera? If a camera is deemed unrepairable 
or beyond economic repair by the warranty folks, does it just get 86-ed and 
you are out the money, or is there a replacement option?

-----Original Message----- 
From: Brian Gray
Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 9:56 AM
To: Olympus List
Subject: [OM] Extended guarantee.

   Paul wrote
   <Message: 53 Date: Fri, 26 Apr 2013 13:08:07 --1 Just got an email from
   Olympus offering a 2-year extended warranty on the E-M5 for $99.
   Wondering if it's worth it. With Apple products, I have zero problem
   buying AppleCare since they've always bent over backwards to make sure
   I was happy if I had an issue. Don't think Olympus will do the same...
   Anyone here go for that option?>
   Without knowing the details of the option which you received (and I do
   not remember receiving) I would think hard about the the situation if
   you did not have the warranty and the camera needed repair due,
   apparently, to a manufacturing defect rather than misuse.
   The camera is not cheap in the UK and I would hope Consumer Law would
   require it to last for at least two years before breaking down in
   non-professional use. I might prove wrong but that would be my choice
   ie to go back to the supplier for redress or repair.
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