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Re: [OM] New Sony Nex-5n shots in Puerto Rico

Subject: Re: [OM] New Sony Nex-5n shots in Puerto Rico
From: WayneS <olympus@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 20:11:33 -0500
Edit: Polomino Island shots: http://imgur.com/a/HnM8G were taken with new 
underwater Lumix DMC-TS3. Has 40ft depth. As can be seen in a couple of 
underwater shots, coral in the Carribean is pretty much dead.


At 12/5/2011 07:59 PM, you wrote:
>I didn't have the optical OLED, seems some flooding in Thailiand has delayed 
>Anyway, some recent shots taken wit it in Puerto Rico:
>more at http://zuik.imgur.com/
>Not edited very much, just straight from the camera, Processed via Lightroom 
>into jpegs.
>The camera has a preference to focus on the closest object, and without the 
>OLED viewfinder, tripped me up a lot. Hence I found manual focus override 
>difficult, compared to my OM-5D, I mean my canyon 5D. The Sony has focus 
>peaking, but I forgot to use it. So for some of the tele shots using the 
>80-310 zoom equivalent, it focused on the closer things (See some horses 
>taking a bath in the ocean in the series http://imgur.com/a/8gF2P, of which 
>most were not posted due to focus issues).
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