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Re: [OM] E-thingy body recommendation

Subject: Re: [OM] E-thingy body recommendation
From: "deebel" <deebel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2010 15:22:08 +0100
For what is required I reckon I would use my C-5050 in manual super macro
mode. F1.8 Olympus lens, full flash shoe F-50/40/36/20, RAW, Probably pick
one up for a fraction of a DSLR if cost is a factor.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Norcutt [mailto:chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 29 June 2010 15:00
To: Olympus mail list
Subject: [OM] E-thingy body recommendation

Hey!  An actual on-topic question.

Someone on another list is interested in purchasing a used (read low 
cost) DSLR for use in making macro photographs of his mineral 
collection.  The samples vary in size from about 1/2 to 1 cm so I 
suspect life size magnification is probably adequate.

Since autofocus cameras aren't exactly known for easy manual focusing in 
a conventional view finder I considered that good live view might be a 
strong requirement.  Also, easy lens adaptability for inexpensive MF 
lenses, ext tubes, etc. would also be important.

That leads me to perhaps the oldest E-thingy sporting good, full time 
live view for easy focusing.  External flash connector would also be 
nice but not required.  Of course, a newer E-thingy which might have an 
important usability feature over its older sibling might be considered 
too as long as the body price is not significantly more.

Of course, some Canon and Pentax bodies might fit the purpose as well 
but I think these bodies might be more expensive since being later to 
the live view game these bodies would tend to be newer.

I know the E-330 is the first body to offer live view but is the E-420 
the first body to offer full time live view?  By that I mean that the 
camera can be used for composition, focusing and shooting with the 
mirror up all the time as in a P&S camera.  No need to flip the mirror 
up and down for focusing vs. shooting as in the E-330?

Chuck Norcutt
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