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Re: [OM] WTB Oly 49mm lens cap (front)

Subject: Re: [OM] WTB Oly 49mm lens cap (front)
From: "Ken Norton" <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 10:35:00 -0600
> I just bought some Tamron caps this morning from B&H.  They are heavy
> duty center pinch type but they aren't cheap.  Adorama is slightly
> cheaper but I already had an B&H gift card to be used up.

Argh.  I don't have my cameras in front of me.  Mine are either Tamron or
Tamrac. Either way, they are expensive and solidly built.  Based on my
experience with lens caps, if I don't lose them first, they last me a couple
decades.  Cost-per-year is tiny.  I suppose I could just invest in some
"clear lens caps" which I don't need to remove.

Shoot, I'm still using high-quality Tamrac neoprene neck-straps I bought
over 17 years ago! Prior to getting those ones, I was having to replace them
almost every year. They were costly, but have performed flawlessly and I've
never had one break, wear out, or drop a camera.  The Quick-Release
mechanisms have been perfect--although, when they were new, I didn't have
enough strength in my fingers to release them as they were too tough.

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