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[OM] Re: Olympus Quickmatic EEM?

Subject: [OM] Re: Olympus Quickmatic EEM?
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2007 08:12:18 -0400
I don't know anything about selenium cells either but I will relate my 
one experience.  My very first camera (I still have it) is a Petri 7s 
with 45mm f/2.8 lens which is surrounded by a selenium cell inside the 
filter threads. <http://www.pbase.com/equipment/image/61731065>

I bought the Petri in early 1962 and in July or August 1964 the meter 
stopped working after I left it in the trunk of a friend's car in the 
hot, Texas summer sun... probable cause but I don't know that's what 
actually caused the failure.  I continued to use the camera with a hand 
held Bewi selenium meter until I got my first SLR (Miranda GT) in 1968. 
(The Bewi meter is long gone, no idea what happened to it)

Then, about 5 years ago, I stumbled onto a junker Petri 7s for $5.  It 
was basically the same camera but was obviously a bit later model since 
the ASA scale went to 800 instead of 400.  Since the lens and selenium 
bits seemed to be intact and I had previously determined that the 
galvanometer in my camera was good I bought the junker and transferred 
the selenium cell and the ISO setting ring/potentiometer to my camera. 
I determined that the selenium cell was still working but that the meter 
was about 1 stop off.  I assumed that was due to different resistors to 
accommodate the ISO 800 max and that I needed to measure them and swap 
in some new ones.  Then I lost interest and the camera is still setting 
in a box partially disassembled.

The point of all this is that after roughly 40 years the other camera 
still had a working piece of selenium cell.

Chuck Norcutt

David Carter wrote:
> Darin,
> I'm trying to recall what little I discovered about Selenium cell 
> meters. Several years ago. FWIW I'm not a camera repairman, I'm barely 
> able to strip & clean simple lenses.
> I remember reading one article that stated. A design or workmanship 
> problem was the solder joint, not being as good in some cameras as 
> others. And leaving them exposed constantly to light, isn't a bright idea.
> Sorry I don't know how quickly they die. It seems like the answer could 
> be as variable as "how long is a piece of string". There are to many 
> unknown & unforseen issues to work through.
> One that did occur to me. Was the quality of the selenium. Not to 
> mention the quantity, required to work the camera.
> David

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