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[OM] Re: no Alaska shots :-(

Subject: [OM] Re: no Alaska shots :-(
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 09:30:22 -0400
Yeah, what Fernando said.  I thought it was the OM-2 that had "shock 
absorbers".  I remember the ads making a bid deal about it.  The shocks 
were supposed to be what allowed getting rid of the mirror lockup on the 
OM-2.  (ha, ha).

Chuck Norcutt

Fernando Gonzalez Gentile wrote:
> Hi Russ and John, and all here in the List
> There's something I don't grasp here.
> Is there a design difference between both models that would prevent the 2n
> failing like the 1n was supposed to fail?
> TIA,
> Fernando.
> on 26/06/2006 20:35, Russ Butler at russ@xxxxxxxxxx, wrote:
>>1. selected 1n vs 2n
> on 27/06/2006 09:24, John Hermanson at omtech1@xxxxxxxxxxx, wrote:
>>Sounds like you may have worn out shocks in the mirror mechanism, which
>>can prevent mirror latching.  In this case, when the shutter is wound,
>>mirror just goes up.
> [snip]
>>Get the OM-2 out and don't think about it.
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