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[OM] Big glass is pretty

Subject: [OM] Big glass is pretty
From: Paul Braun <pbraun42@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 3 May 2024 09:28:42 -0500
Now that I own an E-M1 in addition to my E-M5 mk III, I did some reading and learned of the 50-200 2.8-3.5 SWD lens in 4/3 mount. I think I may have looked at it when I first got my E-1, but it was way out of my budget.

Well, not anymore. And since the M-1 has the focusing voodoo to make 4/3 lenses sing, I started to look on that auction site. First, I was surprised that of the ones listed, only one was from the US. The rest were all in Japan. I was also surprised that I had a few to choose from in the $300 range.

I did the BIN thing on one that was near-mint for $300 with free shipping. However, about a half-hour later I got a message from the seller that they had made a mistake and even though the description said SWD, it wasn't. They gave me the option to cancel if I wanted to. Since the SWD is the sweet spot, I thanked them for their honesty and asked to cancel. They did right away and refunded my money. An honest dealer - wow.

I then went back to the listings and found another SWD in near-mint, with the tripod bracket and hood, and the zippered pouch with the shoulder strap for $335, but still with free shipping. Bingo. Just got it last night.

Wow. This thing is purty. It's also heavy. Heavier than any lens I've owned before. But I'll get used to it - having the equivalent of 100-400 at f2.8-3.5 is alluring. I've also been told by a certain someone who lives way up North that this thing kicks butt as a portrait lens which is something I really want to pursue a bit more.

I mainly got it since Sheri and I are headed up to said Northern state at the end of the month. Fly to Fairbanks, then bus up to Denali, spend a day or two there, then get on a train down to Anchorage where we get on a cruise ship and head down to Vancouver. I wanted a fast, long lens to play with out in the park in case I see wildlife that requires a photo.

I also picked up a Lowepro Nova 200 since I really like my smaller Lowepro messenger bag-style case. I'll take the 200 with me on this trip so I have both bodies and a choice of lenses, and I can still use the 100 when I only need one.

Now, to get out and practice with this beast.

Paul Braun WD9GCO
Amateur Radio Newsline Anchor
Certified Music Junkie

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"The fountain of youth is a state of mind." - Jim Peterik, The Ides Of March

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"Deep inside we're all the same." - Dennis DeYoung

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