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Re: [OM] News from Topaz

Subject: Re: [OM] News from Topaz
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2023 11:31:16 -0800
On 11/26/2023 2:50 PM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
This time of year it is cheaper to get an upgrade package but no upgrades to 
Sharpen AI or Denoise are in the works so save your money for a year worth of 
upgrades as none are coming.

Too late, I'd already done the extensions. I cold be upset, and ask for refunds. But really, these folks have revolutionized my photography. I love my Oly 12-200 lens for all round use, but it's not that sharp over about 150 mm. With Topaz, it is sharp enough. As you know, my full kit is 12-200 on one body, 100-400 with 1.4x on another (140-560 mm) and 7-14 in bag of pocket.

Then, sometimes, I just want to carry one camera . . . 12-60 or 12-100 
frustrates me, while 12-200 seems OK.

So why not keep funding them?

There is an unfixed bug in sharpen AI with my OS that slows it down.

I don't seem to have that. Behavior has changed for the worse with latest; instead of completing all four samples, the first one gets stuck. I have to "Stop Processing", then click on another sample to get it to complete. Minor, but annoying.

  There should be an update to Gigapixel within a couple months though --so says 
Topaz.  Seems they are putting their efforts into Photo AI though I haven't 
liked the lack of ability to fine tune the results.

Indeed! I just tried it again after several months, with latest updates. The default is great on one pix, so-so on another, overdone on another, does apparently nothing on yet another. They do have a ways to go.

One may sometimes fine tune by using it on a layer, then adjusting layer opacity. Still, no better than the Denoise and Sharpen AI standalones - well, on one it may be a tiny bit better. On another, worse.

Compared to other makers Auto Processing, though, it's limited to noise/sharpness, doesn't address exposure, contrast, color, etc. I just played with it on a random street scene from Chester, UK. The effects of Shadow/Highlight, LCE, Curves in PS far outweighed the contribution from Photo AI in overall processing.

It's All Good Moose--
What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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