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Re: [OM] Monumento al Infinito

Subject: Re: [OM] Monumento al Infinito
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2023 21:00:55 -0700
On 7/5/2023 12:42 PM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
Here is one more shot from LaPalma.  I lost the tiff file and uprez'd a small jpeg.  I 
had tried free transform to align the stacked sky to the foreground, but it is not perfect.  I 
have been stacking the raw files with Sequator but that results in some distortion correction that 
is not matched to the long exposure foreground.  Will probably redo with sky replacement.
An astrophysicist I had contacted recommended seeing what this monument looked like.  (If you throw 
a stone on LaPalma you will hit at least two astrophysicists).  The path was very overgrown as they 
had had few visitors due to Covid.  It was in a bit of a wind shadow, so we didn't freeze as much 
on this outing.  The monument is a kind of wheel planosphere and points to the circumpolar 
constellations Ursa Major and Cassiopeia. The sky glow from Tenerife was diminished by the cloud 
inversion layer.  I rather liked the effect.


On my screen or as an 11x17 print, looks fine. At 100% of the file you linked to, it's a bit messy; bright stars that have grown into each other, creating amorphous blobs, non point/circular stars and some strange artifacts around the Phallus.

Just looked at an Aurora B. shot from Ctein. Much cleaner, fewer distortions. Of course, he trained as an astronomer, is a famously fussy photog, went through several lenses to find the one best for him and traveled to Yellowknife to get the shot. Also, minimal, soft foreground. 😁

I would have done brightness/contrast quite differently (also took care of the green, mostly.) <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/Others/Usher/Infinity.htm>

Symbolically, another expression of the patriarchy's obsession with Sky gods over Earth 
goddesses. 😉

Different Visions Moose

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