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[OM] IMG: a day in Madrid

Subject: [OM] IMG: a day in Madrid
From: Nathan Wajsman <photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2022 19:16:48 +0200
My daughter came home from 2 weeks in the US on Friday morning, so I had to go 
to Madrid to pick her up. I drove to the capital Thursday morning, very early, 
to visit as many photo exhibitions as I could manage. The PhotoEspaña festival 
is huge, and to really see it all, you need at least a week. I had just one 
day, but I think I used it wisely. I visited 7 exhibitions, and I also explored 
some neighbourhoods with which I was not familiar, including the somewhat 
gritty Puente de Vallecas neighbourhood where I had booked my hotel for the 
night, and the centre of Madrid’s LGBT life, Chueca, where I went to have 
dinner at a Japanese-European fusion restaurant called Sr. Ito (well, at in 
least in Spanish the name is amusing, as it is pronounced señorito). 

I arrived at my hotel around 11 a.m. on Thursday and spent the rest of the day 
walking around the city, a bit challenging in 40C weather (104F for you 
imperials). But cold drinks are widely available, we are not exactly talking 
the Sahara here. And on Friday morning I had time for a quick visit to the 
wonderful Retiro park before heading to the airport to meet Monica.

A relatively small gallery is here:


It is a bit different from my usual city galleries, as there are more people 
pictures than usual.

As always, comments and critique are welcome and appreciated.


Nathan Wajsman



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