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[OM] IMG: Awaiting Ida

Subject: [OM] IMG: Awaiting Ida
From: Jim Nichols <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2021 14:48:17 -0500
After having spent yesterday watching television coverage of Ida's arrival at New Orleans and coverage of their preparations, provided by Station WWL in New Orleans, I awoke today to find the cloud cover has reached Tennessee and the path is expected to pass over us tomorrow.  I understand that power could be out for some time in NOLA because of major damage to their power system. This was on my mind as I looked up at the pole that sits in my side yard, as a part of the main distribution of power and communications to  the west side of Tullahoma.  The poles in NOLA seemed to be of a similar configuration, and suffered damage, but their biggest problem was the loss of  eight major transmission lines.


On the cloudy day, the most impressive flora of the day was this Honeysuckle vine climbing on the rhododendron bushes.


Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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