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Re: [OM] IMG: Awaiting Ida

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Awaiting Ida
From: Jim Nichols <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2021 16:09:33 -0500
Thanks, Chris.

On 8/30/21 3:39 PM, Chris Trask wrote:

The present NHC forecast shows that winds in your area will be below 20mph, 
possibly no more than 10mph .

After having spent yesterday watching television coverage of Ida's arrival at 
Orleans and coverage of their preparations, provided by Station WWL in New 
I awoke today to find the cloud cover has reached Tennessee and the path is 
to pass over us tomorrow.  I understand that power could be out for some time 
because of major damage to their power system. This was on my mind as I looked 
at the pole that sits in my side yard, as a part of the main distribution of 
power and
communications to  the west side of Tullahoma.  The poles in NOLA seemed to be 
of a
similar configuration, and suffered damage, but their biggest problem was the 
loss of
eight major transmission lines.



When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro
- Hunter S. Thompson

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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