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Re: [OM] In pursuit of Ol' squinty eyes

Subject: Re: [OM] In pursuit of Ol' squinty eyes
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 14 Feb 2021 17:20:48 -0700
At 2/14/2021 02:06 PM, Mike wrote:
>Took a day off on Friday and planned a long hike behind Crane Beach in search 
>of snowy owls.  All the trails around here are busier due to Covid but not 
>that day as was 12 deg F and blowing when we started.   I was aware that it is 
>much better to start predawn in hopes of getting better shots of the critters 
>nice yellow eyes.  It was in single digits then and the prospects of getting 
>Marnie out there at that time was dim. She was grousing a bit as it was and 
>had about 7 layers on.  
>This was probably balmy weather for AK AG. Marnie turned out to like every 
>minute as it started to warm up and the wind died.   We spotted one snowy owl 
>at about 100 yds away perched on a dune and it wasn't possible to get much 
>closer and stay on the trails.  Of course given how bright is was we couldn't 
>see his nice eyes.  I couldn't get a  really sharp shot this time for the life 
>of me but it is still thrilling to spot them--usually  successful 1/3 to 1/2 
>of the time.  One can get much closer at Salisbury Beach, but the purpose was 
>also a nice hike with Marnie. 
>One shot of the Crane estate from the trail on the way back.
>Perhaps next time,  Mike

Not so bad. I'm sure the Crane estate was built before radiators. A lot of wood 
chopping. And that was before gas powered log splitters.

The grass bending do to the wind, I assume.

I'm surprised there are no cross country ski tracks. Looks like the right 
conditions for them.


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