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Re: [OM] Reaching the Top

Subject: Re: [OM] Reaching the Top
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 13:38:33 -0800
> Nice. One question? Do you have some hiking poles?

That's part of the problem. I generally don't use anything and when I
do it's usually my big monopod. I do need to reform my ways. However,
in all fairness, I don't usually do the climbs. I don't need anything
for the normal trails.

Years ago, somebody made trekking poles that had a standard camera
tripod screw mount in the top of one of them under a neat flip-up lid.
The other one had a compass on the top. I haven't found anything like
that lately.

It's getting close to the end of the climbing season. It's probably
snowing up there today. The weather is much cooler and it's raining
down here by the river, so the temperature variance is such that there
is likely a couple inches up there. It really depends on the trail and
mountain. If the trail is on the south face, it'll dry back out, but
if on the north side, it's close to being a season ender. This trail
still had snow two weeks ago.

AG Schnozz
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