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Re: [OM] Sad tumble

Subject: Re: [OM] Sad tumble
From: Jim Nichols <jhnichols@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2020 15:20:38 -0500
You make me feel really old.  I have great-granddaughters that age and older.

On 8/3/20 2:46 PM, ChrisB wrote:
Thanks, Jim. That granddaughter (8) is a real poser.


C M I Barker | Gamlingay

On 3 Aug 2020, at 11:16, olympus-request@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

That's unfortunate, Chris.? I've always figured those mechanisms to be
rather delicate.

I looked a little deeper at your images.? The one of your granddaughter
in the Japanese garden is very nicely done.

On 8/2/20 12:39 PM, Chris Barker wrote:
We?ve just visited one son and his family near Blandford Forum, staying at a 
cracking campsite nearby.  We had our two granddaughters for a BBQ lunch one 
day and I decided to take a group shot using my Lumix TZ200 on a mini tripod.

I had set it up when one granddaughter decided to sit down and knocked the 
table, tipping the camera and tripod into the dirt nearby, about 3ft lower.

I picked it up with a little grumpiness but saw that the lens wasn?t dirty and 
all would be well . . . then I noticed that the tiny flash, which I had 
extended, was bent.  It would not stow.  I kept my good-humoured demeanour, 
outwardly at least, so as to avoid spoiling the party, but I felt very sad.

Although the girl had knocked the table, I should have foreseen that a 
precipitous fall would be possible . . .


I?ll get it repaired, I?m sure.

Jim Nichols
Tullahoma, TN USA

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