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Re: [OM] First installment from Bhutan

Subject: Re: [OM] First installment from Bhutan
From: Mike Gordon via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 4 Dec 2017 18:35:12 -0500
Cc: usher99@xxxxxxx
<<<And why Sir, are these warning signs written in English, please?

Dzongkha, I believe, is the "official" language of Bhutan and the preferred 
language of government.  It dominates in Western Bhutan and has the most 
speakers though there are about 2 dozen languages overall.
English is widely used in  education and  this was confirmed by our observation 
that every class in high school we attended as guests was in English.    The 
national newspaper is published in Dzongkha, English, and Nepali.
I suspect an English sign for foreign visitors is also very high yield. 


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