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[OM] Visit with Bob and Joan to Cambridge

Subject: [OM] Visit with Bob and Joan to Cambridge
From: ChrisB <ftog@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 24 May 2015 16:39:14 +0100
Bob sent me an email a couple of days ago; he wants you to know this:

> Saw the Morgan pic you took. How about letting the list know I'm not able to 
> get to them, but I can still read so they ought to behave. And let 'em know 
> I've got a shot or two of the Morgan.

I’ve put on Zone-10 a few more shots of the visit to Cambridge with Bob and 
Joan.  Here’s one of Bob relaxing in a punt on the Cam.  There are a few more 
shots in this group, as you’ll see from the navigation cluster.


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