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Re: [OM] Paul's PAW - more Canal photos and stuff

Subject: Re: [OM] Paul's PAW - more Canal photos and stuff
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 15:41:56 -0700
On 10/13/2014 11:20 AM, Paul Braun wrote:

I also took some photos at a concert Saturday night. Club lighting was OK
for the people in the audience, but it sucked for photography. I had to
crank the ISO way up, and even then I had some issues. My friend, Mindi
Abair, is a very blonde, very white girl. But the band was all
African-American, so dark skin, wearing predominately black clothing, on a
dimly-lit stage? Ugh.

Still, I got some usable stuff.

Ya think?? :-)

I'm still trying to hit on the best
combination with the E-M5 - spot metering is hit-and-miss, center-weighted
the same. Full-screen-fancy-computing AE actually seemed to work, as long
as I shot one at a time. Squeezing off a burst generally guaranteed that
one would be good, and the rest would be hideously underexposed or blown

You wouldn't happen to have some sort of exposure bracketing turned on? Maybe 
left from HDR shooting?

I must say, however, that I'm very happy with the lesser 40-150.

Only lesser in size and weight, not soul, at least the way you are using it. ;-)

I plan on getting the 75-300 before our cruise in January

That's a honey if you like long. I'm in looove. Get extension tubes if you like 
close, too.

Long View Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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