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[OM] OM-D E-M10 and four thirds lenses?

Subject: [OM] OM-D E-M10 and four thirds lenses?
From: Mike Gordon via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2014 18:12:56 -0400
Say what??? NO, Zero, nadda, Black Holes!!!??? Where are the physicists here?

My first reaction to some of the conclusions stated in the link was:


It is very interesting work nonetheless and I appreciate the link. It is yet to be peer reviewed it seems but extends the works of others investigating the firewall paradox.

I suspect the title and some of the interpretations are hyperbolic and an example of "link-bait." (worked for me)

Observationally there are infrared signatures of "lotsa" (numerical term adopted from butterfly observations of Cabbage Whites) black holes and incontrovertible evidence of supermassive black holes at the center of our galaxy and other galaxies and even stellar mass black holes, whose presence or at least method of formation is called into question by this elegant work. The work assumes that the Hawking firewall explanantion is correct and that is by no means confirmed. The major problem is that relativity and quantum mechanics predict vastly different conditions at the event horizon--yet to be reconciled.

"Calculations showed that having information flowing out of a black hole was incompatible with having an otherwise smooth Einsteinian space-time at its boundary, the event horizon. In its place would be a discontinuity in the vacuum that would manifest itself as energetic particles — a “firewall” — lurking just inside the black hole.

Being incinerated as you entered a black hole would certainly contradict Einstein’s dictum of no drama" see:


To further elucidate this paradox I would refer you to Moose, as a Berkeley physics major and who has photographic evidence of the happenings at the event horizon. (As per usual anything of import has made it to the OM list.)


I stand by my original interpretation of Moose's visual conundrum and dismiss his final revelation as a futile means to divert cotroversy.

Imprisoned in the Black Hole of work at the office, Mike
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