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[OM] IMGS: FLASH!! vs No Flash

Subject: [OM] IMGS: FLASH!! vs No Flash
From: Tina Manley <images@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2014 10:19:28 -0500

The reason I don't use flash:  When I stay with families in communities
where there is no electricity, I want to sit back in a corner and try to be
invisible, until they forget that I'm there and go about their daily lives.
 The inside of their adobe houses is very dark.  I use fast lenses, quiet
cameras and high speed film.


I did take flash the first few years, but it attracts so much attention
that everybody in the community comes by to have their picture taken and
watch the amazing flash light up the whole room.  Pretty soon, the kids are
hamming it up and posing with rabbit ears and the situation deteriorates
into a circus.

http://www.pbase.com/tinamanley/image/154556174  and next two.

I don't think I ever even carried a flash after 1990.  It just doesn't work
for documentary photography.



Tina Manley
http:// <http://tina-manley.artistwebsites.com/>www.tinamanley.com
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