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Re: [OM] [OT] Open data in the Netherlands

Subject: Re: [OM] [OT] Open data in the Netherlands
From: Bob Whitmire <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 15:49:37 -0500
Pretty much. You forgot that in Florida, where you can Stand Your Ground, if 
someone throws popcorn at you in a movie theater, you can shoot them, popcorn 
being a deadly weapon and all that.

--Bob Whitmire
Certified Neanderthal

On Jan 17, 2014, at 3:21 PM, Ken Norton wrote:

> On the opposite end of things, you have Texas that is pretty much
> legalizing insane speeds. But that's OK. Since guns are very much
> legal there, nobody ever dies from gunshots, so they need extreme
> speeds to thin out the population. Where guns are illegal, everybody
> dies from gunshots so they have to have extremely low speeds to keep
> the population from totally dying out. In Colorado, they legalized pot
> so everybody is so stoned that there are no more gunshots or speeding.
> Do I have that right?

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