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Re: [OM] Scratch one BMW

Subject: Re: [OM] Scratch one BMW
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 07:02:00 -0700
> That sounds like a damaged wheel bearing.  Best to have the wheel pulled and 
> the bearing inspected, very likely replaced.

Possible. the wheel took a pretty good wallop. It hit hard enough that
you can see where the impact was.

Since I posted last, I popped open the hood and discovered that things
are pretty messed up inside. Everything from the headlights to the
firewall is broken off the mounts. I'm intruiged, though, that it
appears that the mounts aren't broken, but are designed to break free.
I don't know enough about BMWs yet to know. Unfortunately, the front
end us all sprung (radiatior is angled by an inch or so), so the hood
wouldn't stay shut. Duct tape to the rescue.

Ken Norton
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