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Re: [OM] EM1

Subject: Re: [OM] EM1
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 16:33:03 +1000
Yes - I ran outside t get the birds and got the settings wrong so they aren't 
I find the camera frustrating in many ways. I'm used to just picking up the 
5D2, turning the dial to M (for studio work) and it remembers my settings so i 
can just start.
The EM1 needs me to shut down the screens exposure comp for studio flash 
(otherwise it's just dark) and does not remember previous settings. It has no 
custom sets on the dial (I have to work out how to do MySet routines) and I 
haven't even worked out how to switch off the face detection and help guide yet 
(they dint give me a manual). It doesn't 'feel' like a pro camera! And the 
settings I need to change frequently seem to be buried way down.
One problem it seems to have inherited from the EM5 - I use spot exposure/focus 
as routine. But I get a lot of bag adjustment to the focus spot position - I 
often find that it's migrated to the edge because the direction buttons have 
been pressed accidentally. Can I lock it in the middle?
Andrew Fildes
Author/Publisher: The SLR Compendium - http://www.blurb.com/books/3732813

On 25/09/2013, at 11:27 AM, Moose wrote:

> On 9/24/2013 7:40 PM, Andrew Fildes wrote:
>> I have played with the EM1 a bit when launched but just got one for a loan 
>> for a bit.
>> Unpacking in café and got a few shots.
>> Thort youse guys might appreciate this one.
>> It has two of my favorite things - dogs and coffee! :-)
>> http://www.pbase.com/afildes/image/152541623
> And several of my favorite things. ;-) *
> Do you have anti-shock set on, and to1/8 sec.? Bottom of menu E, if they 
> haven't changed it. The bird pics show the kind 
> of double imaging one can get from shutter shock.
> Shocking Moose
> * I don't drink coffee and am not a big fan of dogs.

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