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[OM] [OT} Re: Strange message from an ebay seller

Subject: [OM] [OT} Re: Strange message from an ebay seller
From: Brian Gray <bsg017@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 07 May 2013 12:00:12 +0100
   Why is this message regarded as so strange?  As a retailer he is
   reporting that his latest stock is 'out of specification' and giving
   the buyer the opportunity to seek a refund rather than wait.  His only
   real problem is that he does not speak English/American like a native
   speaker but still  wishes/needs to participate in the global market
   place.   How many of us could write a similar message in another
   language which would not read somewhat strangely to a native speaker of
   that language?   I have had an adaptor and a camera case for my OMD-EM5
   from the Far East and the text in the accompanying documentation may
   have been slightly 'stilted' but the product is fine at an attractive
   price with acceptable delivery times.  I do not expect to buy only from
   native English speakers.
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