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Re: [OM] Nathan's PAD 19/2/2013: eating and drinking in Ixelles

Subject: Re: [OM] Nathan's PAD 19/2/2013: eating and drinking in Ixelles
From: "Wayne Harridge" <wayne.harridge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 17:45:04 +1100
Yeah, can't understand it.  I heard somebody on the TV recently saying that
she drank 3 litres of water a day on top of other beverages (and no, she
wasn't hiking through the outback).  Also heard that just drinking a lot of
plain water causes health problems, something about removing essential
electrolytes from the body.


> widespread dehydration panic that's gripped the west in recent years. I
> understand why people who aren't sweating or exerting themselves seem to
> need to be permanently attached to a bottle of bad water or worse 'ade.

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