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Re: [OM] Sky falling in on Kodachrome

Subject: Re: [OM] Sky falling in on Kodachrome
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 05 Mar 2012 23:01:15 -0500
I don't know why it should be impossible to produce a sound.  The reason 
we have fire in the fireball is that you've got a bid stone tearing 
through the atmosphere at perhaps 30,000 mph.  It's trying to push a 
hell of a lot of air out of the way in a very short time.  Moving air 
makes noise.

Chuck Norcutt

On 3/5/2012 10:40 AM, Ken Norton wrote:
>>       Comet fragments and meteors in the dead of the night far away from
>> urban noise can be amazing.  If the upper atmophere is calm you can hear a
>> faint "whoosh".  I've heard it twice now, always out in the middle of bloody
>> nowhere.
> I was reading something about that a couple years ago. I too have
> heard meteors as they turn into little fireballs. The laws of physics
> say that it's impossible.
> But according to this research, it has something to do with the
> generation of radio frequencies as it passes through the ionosphere or
> something like that. The RF signal is either exciting our brain tissue
> or is making loose dirt move. I don't remember the details as I must
> have read this article late at night in an attempt to bore myself to
> sleep.
> Whatever causes it, it is neat.
> AG
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