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[OM] ZX-1 or G12

Subject: [OM] ZX-1 or G12
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2011 18:21:29 -0400 (EDT)
O. K. Corral Moose writes:
>I've had that sort of belt cases for a couple of cameras, most 
recently for the
>A650. I don't like them. The coarse
>fabric and soft 'wings' of the flap catch on things, especially 
jackets. The
>buckle closure is slow and clumsy when
>hanging from a belt and the vertical form is also slow. And they seem 
>inevitably catch on various camera bits to slow
>down extraction.

Appreciate the comments.  Still a bit clunky to carry a a MFT in lieu 
of  LX-5/G12/XZ-1/S95 type.
Probably wait a bit.

Slow on the Draw, Mike

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