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Re: [OM] Contax G

Subject: Re: [OM] Contax G
From: classicvw@xxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 07:21:23 -0400 (EDT)
Similar experience for me. The 45mm lens was the best lens I have ever used, 
even better than the  40mm Summicron that I absolutely loved... but the 90mm 
sometimes wouldn't focus. Very common problem with that lens. At the time I 
owned the system, I was shooting a lot of my kids in various sports, and the AF 
just wasn't fast enough for that so it had to go.


>Once owned a G2 outfit. The best lenses I've ever used in any format. 
>Amazing! On the other hand, the AF was very unreliable.

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