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Re: [OM] Vivitar 90-180mm Aperture

Subject: Re: [OM] Vivitar 90-180mm Aperture
From: "Jay Drew" <dreaded@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 23 Dec 2010 22:55:15 -0800
My lens has positive detents at the marked F stops and halfway between those
markings.  Be advised to look at the mounting screw holes.  If you are using the
lens on an OM-4 the reset tab that protrudes from the mounting point on the
camera is at risk of being sheared off.  I put a very small piece of aluminum
foil over the head of the screw and filled in with epoxy to prevent the
offending hole from damaging the reset switch.  The mount on some Vivitars and
the early versions of the OM adapter for Tamron lenses had 4 screws on the mount
which could be hazardous to the OM4.

It is one heavy lens.

Hand me my costume 
Please won't you pass me my mask
I have appointments I must keep with my past.
Bill Nelson - Beauty Secrets

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