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Re: [OM] Knesss, was IMG: Friday Flower from Jim N.

Subject: Re: [OM] Knesss, was IMG: Friday Flower from Jim N.
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2009 08:49:35 +1100
Small daily doses of Prednisolone work wonders - takes all your pain  
away and it's a mood enhancer too.
But the medical profession don't like the side effects. Damn.
Infection is to be avoided at all cost - I've seen the results. Not  
You'll need to get used to 'antibacterial cover' before seeing a  
dentist in future.
That involves a heavy hit of something like Amoxycillin one hour  
before treatment, just in case.
Andrew Fildes

On 21/11/2009, at 6:49 AM, Chuck Norcutt wrote:

>   Cortisone worked fairly
> well for me but it fosters bacterial growth so my doc forbids it  
> within
> 3 months of surgery (and actually prefers more time than that).

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