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Re: [OM] ACR in PSE 8.0 was: Who in the world writes this junk? - Raw so

Subject: Re: [OM] ACR in PSE 8.0 was: Who in the world writes this junk? - Raw software rant.
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 11:24:01 -0600
> You are probably correct in that statement but the use of the JPEG may
> be limited.  The Mynolta A1 does create a JPEG when shooting raw
> although it doesn't embed it.  The problem it that the JPEG is nothing
> but a thumbnail image designed to exactly fit the display screen on the
> camera.  Because it is so small chimpers are unable to do anything about
> enlarging the image on screen because there is no detail to enlarge.  I
> suspect every camera is different.

The A1's in-camera review jpeg is exactly 4X the screen size.

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