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Re: [OM] ( OM ) Adobe rgb or not to be?

Subject: Re: [OM] ( OM ) Adobe rgb or not to be?
From: Richard Man <richard.lists@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 May 2009 11:59:42 -0700
Come on, stop making it complicated :-)

If you know color management, then use it. Keep things in aRGB, but not
ProPhotoRGB please, that exceeds just about everything, except for the
newfangled Epson ultra-large-premium-format printer. Most monitors can't
display it so why work in a space that you can't see? Use color profile to
print using Photoshop, LR, etc. This way you leverage the wider gamut of
aRGB and leverage the Adobe and Microsoft's engineers' intelligence to
properly convert the colors correctly.

Obviously, it goes without saying that you must calibrate your monitor using
something better than Adobe Gamma, and use some reasonable printer profiles.
Otherwise, it's garbage in, garbage out.

I have an Eizo monitor and profile all my paper on the Z3100. Works great.
That's throwing money at the problerm because I don't want to lose hair.

For the 95% of the people who just want a simple workflow that produces a
good reasult most of the time, just stay with sRGB from start to finish. No
headache, no hairpulling, no 3 volume books to read.

And you can spend time shooting photos. How cool is that?

// richard m: richard @imagecraft.com
// w: http://www.rfman.com
// b: http://rfman.wordpress.com
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