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Re: [OM] That's Not a Bokeh, This is a Bokeh

Subject: Re: [OM] That's Not a Bokeh, This is a Bokeh
From: Dawid Loubser <dawidl@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 17:36:22 +0200
The 90/2.0 was "OK"?
"OK" ?!?!?!?!

The 90/2.0 is magical... mystical... übersmoothicalicious bokeh...
Really, I have come to agree with Moose that it's really not the world's
best lens at Macro magnifications, it is clearly optimised for
near-macro. But in terms of smoothness, with near perfect bokeh
(I have never managed to coax hard-edged out-of-focus highlights out
of mine, always smooth gaussian-blurred circles) I find the bokeh of
this lens impeccable.

I have a back-log of about 200 photos with this lens to print in the  
but with each one I get a better idea of its character. Complex  
optical design
or not, it's bokeh is wonderful.

As mentioned in my previous mail, not an EF 85/1.2L, no, but closer  
than anything
else I've seen.


On 06 May 2009, at 3:51 PM, C.H.Ling wrote:

> the 90/2 was ok.

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