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Re: [OM] I am the weirdest

Subject: Re: [OM] I am the weirdest
From: Jim Couch <zuikoholic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2008 17:42:12 -0800
Sounds like overkill to me! I'm shooting mostly digital these days, now 
back in my film days I didn't do any backups :) I just made damn sure I 
kept track of my exposed film! The wife and I are headed over to 
Vietnam, leaving Sunday. We will be there for 3 weeks. I have a rag tag 
collection of CF cards, a couple 1 meg, three 4 meg, and a single 8meg 
beastie! I will shoot the smaller cards first, with the 8 meg as a spare 
in case I get crazy! With my D200 even shooting RAW that is a LOT of 
shots! I am bringing them all 'just in case' As for backups, I have a 
older Nikon backup unit that I may bring, but no laptop. I am not going 
to spend nights editing, tagging, image management, what have you and I 
am not going to lug a laptop around - I'm on vacation! If I bring the 
backup unit I will copy the files off the CF cards onto the HD, so I 
will have two copies, should be more than enough I think.

With the exif data I already have a ton more info than I ever had with 
film so I can't see adding to it. I often think we have gotten so 
spoiled with digital that we forget where we came from. I can remember 
having to deal with film at airports, having to change rolls or cameras 
everytime I needed to change film speed, and the grain of ISO 400+ 
films. Now folks whine about how 'noisy' a camera is at 1600 or 3200, 
speeds that were unheard of not that long ago!

Jim Couch
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