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Re: [OM] Any Moose sightings?

Subject: Re: [OM] Any Moose sightings?
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2008 16:33:38 -0500
Thanks for the info. I suspect the eloquent, occasionally sharp tongued 
list logician will have a few spicy retorts upon his return.

He's on a trip somewhere near Seattle visiting with someone with DSL 
access which he hasn't been able to link up with for some reason. I've
had two short, private messages from him (11/23, 11/25) when he chanced
to be somewhere with his laptop and could latch onto someone's wifi
connection. He said he had managed to download a lot of messages but I
guess replying must be too difficult. Anyhow, I assume he is still well.

Chuck Norcutt

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